To be honest with you guys. My summer has been simply awesome. At first I wasn't excited at all, I was just rolling in my own "America is so much better" world, then I realized how awesome friends I actually have here in Finland. Since then I've been enjoying every moment. Finland is my home and I fucking love it. Ofc when I'm spending my days doing homework and carrying too many heavy books I may not think about that first but at the end everybody loves their home country. Awesome people and good memories, that's what summer is about.

Our trip to Haaparanta was such a blast! Cheap alcohol and Ikea haha.

Johanna turned 18 and had a nice little party :)

2 kommenttia:
jeee you're back!! ♥ taas on yksi lemppariblogi listalla luettavana :-) missä sun nikon viipyy?
Kiitti ihana kuulla, että on kaivattu! :) Blogi lähti taas tosiaan pyörimään, vaikka se rakas Nikon unohtuki sinne Jenkkeihin... Mutta sain sen just onneksi postissa takasi nii ei mee kauaa ku ollaan taas back in business!
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